The blackberry is an edible fruit produced by several species of the Rubus family of the Rosaceae family, hybrids of these species in the Rubus sub-region, and hybrids between the Rubus and Idaeobatus subgenus.
The taxonomy of blackberries has historically been confused because of hybridization and apomixis, so these species were usually grouped together and referred to as affiliated species. For example, the entire Rubus subregion was named as a Rubus fructicosus affiliate, although the Rubus fructicosus species is considered to be similar to Rubus plicatus.
The shoots are 1-3 m tall, arched, rarely creeping, covered with straight or recurrent thorns. The leaves are palm-composite, with irregular edges, hairy and protruding ribs on the inner face. Flowers are white or rosy and they blossom in June-August. Fruits are fleshy, compound, red and sour at first, black and sweet when ripe. It is found on the edge of the forests, in the meadows, in the bushes, in the meadows and along the flowing waters, in hilly areas of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and North America.
It is one of the oldest herbs originating in the Orient, testimonies about its use in medicine dating from the time of Hippocrates, the 4th century BC. Hr. Currently it includes over 100 species and over 1,000 hybrid varieties.
Fruits bake during the end of July – October. The berries are very tasty and they are consumed raw when they are ripe (black and a little soft). They can be used for preparing various jams, jellies, compotes, syrups and alcoholic beverages. Freshly consumed fruits have a slightly laxative effect.
From moss leaves, associated with fragrant (Fragaria vesca) and blackberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) tea can be prepared. The leaves are well-grown throughout the summer. They dry out in sheds, bridges or artificially at 40-50 ° C. The drying rate is 4-5: 1.
The dried leaves contain an appreciable amount of tanned substances, flavono derivatives, vitamin C, organic acids (malic acid, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid), inositol.
The fruits are rich in vitamins A and C. They also contain citric acid, salicylic acid, pectin, mucilages, flavonides and inositol.